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About Us

The story of Neverending Flame is a story about us, but it’s also kind of a story about you.

You see, Neverending Flame was born as a way to bring a little more joy to people who had a loved one who had passed away before an important event such as a birth or a graduation. It was a grand mission to put a smile on every face, and to help them feel that flutter of excitement deep in their chest each time they discover the picture of themselves or a loved one reunited with a deceased parent or friend.

Back in 2020 my grandmother died when my sister was only a teenage girl. And when she graduated I had this idea of adding our beloved grandmother to a photo where she wore her graduation cap and gown. My grandmother would have been so proud of her! And the result amazed all my family and friends.

It sounds kind of silly to say this but reuniting people in heaven with siblings (people or pets) still on earth in pictures actually changed my life. It led me down a journey that would someday become Neverending Flame.

My lack of knowledge in mage editing was not going to keep me from making beautiful pictures.

I learned to use complex image editing software and began to make more realistic and convincing pictures.  

As I became better and better at creating beautiful things for friends and family, I began to have an overpowering desire to share them with the world. I knew that there would be tons of people out there that would LOVE to see a deceased loved one reutined with siblings in a picture that they will cherish forever.

Neverending Flame began as a crazy idea. What if I could provide this image editing service? I had all of these beautiful images that really DESERVED to be in the hands of countless other people out there. I felt totally inadequate to the task, though. I was just young and a relatively new image editer. Who was I to open an image editing shop? Could I actually do this? With fear in my heart, I officially opened Neverending Flame as an Etsy shop for business in June of 2020 and a website a couple of weeks later.

To my great joy I found an AMAZING community of people who not only embraced the philosophy of Neverending Flame, but became some of my favorite people in the world.

While it has been years since Neverending Flame first opened its doors, and the technology has evolved, my mission has never changed. I still strive every day, with every picture that I make, to put a smile on your face.

First and foremost, we are in the business of making people happy.

❤ Samantha